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Impact 2023 Pricing, Reviews, Agenda & More

The CMG Impact Conference is an event that brings together industry leaders, experts, and professionals from the field of Continuous Media and Gaming (CMG). The conference provides a platform for attendees to learn about the latest advancements and trends in the field, network with other professionals, and gain insights from key industry players. The program typically includes a variety of sessions and activities that cater to the interests and needs of attendees in the Continuous Media and Gaming (CMG) industry. Some of the key elements of the conference program may include keynote speeches featuring industry leaders and experts sharing their insights and experiences on the current state, panel discussions that provide attendees with the opportunity to hear from a diverse group of industry professionals on various topics related to CMG, presentations, and workshops that cover a range of topics such as game design, streaming, virtual reality, and interactive media, offering attendees hands-on learning and practical skills development, exhibition areas showcasing the latest products, services, and technologies from leading companies in the industry, and networking opportunities through receptions, meetups and other events, attendees can connect with other professionals in the field and expand their professional network. Overall, the CMG Impact Conference program is designed to provide attendees with valuable information, inspiration, and connections to help them succeed in the industry.

About this event

Start date: 

February 21, 2023

End date: 

2023-02-23 00:00:00



Average Attendance: 


Attendance Cost: 


Who Should Attend: 


Featured Session: 

digital transformation

Featured Speaker: 

Mohammed Jalil Co-founder Kanwar Gaurav Paul Director Product Management Artificial Intelligence

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